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Prevention Partners NSW has developed a range of workshops by listening to our clients and catering to your needs.


Our proficiency at designing and delivering workshops is respected throughout government agencies in NSW, so much so that the NSWLG engaged us to draft the half day Code of Conduct, Complaint Coordinator, the Public Interest Disclosures, and Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 workshops.


Our workshops are interactive and filled with real-life examples to make the message real and to heighten understanding.


We are happy to come to you, design workshops specific to your needs and run webinars, all to make our workshops easy and appropriate for you.

See below for more information on some of the workshops we have developed and delivered.

Code of Conduct Complaint Coordinators

Conflict of Interests

Developed with General Managers and complaint coordinators in mind

We wrote the NSWLG Code of Conduct and Complaint Coordinator workshops that have been rolled out across NSW since the introduction of the Model Code of Conduct and Procedure 2013.

Our Conflicts of Interests workshop is designed to stimulate thought-provoking conversation by delivering real-life scenarios. 

Contract Law and Probity in Local Government

Developed for anyone who manages probity, contracts, purchasing, or


Procurement and purchasing is something that each agency engages with, but how many get it right?

We assist many agencies to deal with procurement issues and we have developed this whole day workshop to cater for common challenges.

If you have any dealings with purchasing or procurement then this workshop is designed for you.

GIPAA, PPIPA, HRIPA and Copyright: Managing council information

Developed with all staff in mind

This workshop looks at how all the various statutes work together and can be amended to suit your needs. Prevention Partners NSW has developed an intermediate and advanced course to suit everyone.

Each workshop can be tailored to deal with issues your agency has faced and will be pitched to suit the attendees.

Local Government Act

Developed with Councillors and all staff in mind

These workshops are designed (and can be redesigned) for any person who wants to learn more about the Local Government Act 1993.


We have also developed a workshop for potential councillor candidates to give them a snapshot of the various element of the ct that they will need to know.

Governance of the High Order

Developed with directors, managers and other staff in mind

Good governance is vital to any efficient and ethical organisation. We have workshops on Delegations, Pecuniary Interest Returns, State Records Requirements, Public Interest Disclosures, Privacy, management of querulous residents and can develop workshops on any other governance topic.


Let us train your directors, managers and other staff on bench mark processes to lift your organisation to the highest levels of probity and ethics, sure to be the best way to prevention problems in the future.

Other Options

Developed with you in mind

We will design any workshop you can imagine.

Our workshops will be tailored to suit you, your Council's needs and your budget.

Contact us now for a free discussion and quote.

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